Preparation for the 2023 Sectoral Statistics Implementation Evaluation - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pringsewu Regency

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Preparation for the 2023 Sectoral Statistics Implementation Evaluation

Preparation for the 2023 Sectoral Statistics Implementation Evaluation

April 6, 2023 | BPS Activities

Gading Rejo - BPS Pringsewu Regency held a meeting to submit the results of the 2022 Sectoral Statistics Implementation Evaluation (EPSS) trial and the 2023 EPSS preparation on Thursday (6/4/2023). Also present at this activity were representatives from the Pringsewu Regency Bappeda as the Secretariat of the One Data Forum, the Pringsewu Regency Communication and Information Service as the walidata, the Pringsewu Regency Food Security Service, the Pringsewu Regency Agriculture Office, and the Pringsewu Regency Health Office as the sectoral statistical data producers.

This meeting aims to prepare a self-assessment within the framework of the 2023 EPSS in order to get a good score that reflects more well-organized sectoral statistical activities in Pringsewu Regency. (AR)
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