Development of Grain Producer Prices and Rice Prices at the Mill in May 2013 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pringsewu Regency

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Development of Grain Producer Prices and Rice Prices at the Mill in May 2013

Release Date : June 3, 2013
File Size : 0.32 MB


During May 2013, the Grain Producer Price Survey recorded 39 observations in 4 selected districts. The most observations were still dominated by the quality grain group of Harvested Dry Grain (GKP) with 28 observations (71.79%), 11 observations (28.21%) of the low quality grain group, and no quality grain group of Milled Dry Grain (GKG) was found.

The highest price for grain at the farmer level reached Rp. 4,100.00 per kg for GKP quality grain with the Ciherang variety found in Ambarawa District, Pringsewu Regency. Still with the same grain quality, the lowest grain price reached Rp. 3,300.00 per kg, namely Mikongga, Jasmine, Horsetail, Ciherang and IR64 varieties found in Punggur, Trimurjo, Central Lampung Regency, Palas, Penengahan, Sragi, South Lampung Regency and Purbolinggo District, East Lampung Regency. This price is still above or equal to the Government Purchase Price (HPP), which is Rp. 3,300.00 per kg.

At the milling level, the highest price of grain is IDR. 4,150.00 per kg, namely the Ciherang variety found in Ambarawa District, Pringsewu Regency. Meanwhile, the lowest grain price is Rp. 3,375.00 per kg with Mikongga, Jasmine and Horsetail varieties found in Purbolinggo District, East Lampung Regency. This price is still above or the same as HPP, namely Rp. 3,350.00 per kg.

The price of grain at the farmer and mill level fell in May. This is due to the high harvest season in several sub-districts so that grain stocks have increased from the previous month. Apart from that, the quality of the grain produced is also lower than the previous month. The average decrease in the price of the GKP quality group at the farmer level was 8.95 percent from Rp. 3,806.72 per kg to Rp. 3,466.07 per kg, and at the milling level it decreased by 8.83 percent from Rp. 3,891.38 per kg to Rp. 3,547.86 per kg
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