Quality Check of Village Potential Data (Podes) 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pringsewu Regency

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Quality Check of Village Potential Data (Podes) 2024

Quality Check of Village Potential Data (Podes) 2024

May 30, 2024 | BPS Activities

Gading Rejo – Pringsewu Regency BPS carried out an inspection of the fairness and quality of the 2024 Village Potential data on Wednesday-Thursday (29-30/06/2024). As data collection is regionally based and provides strategic indicators down to the smallest administrative level, the quality of the 2024 Podes data must be monitored from preparation to finalization of data collection results.

There are at least two strategic indicators that will be produced from the 2024 Podes, the Geographic Difficulty Index (IKG) and the Village Index (ID). IKG is representative of the level of geographical difficulty of the village. The higher the index value indicates the higher level of geographic difficulty. Villages with limited basic service facilities, low quality infrastructure, and difficult access to transportation will have relatively higher index numbers than other villages. The ID is prepared by taking into account all aspects needed to measure village development progress and is a reflection of the level of development in the village which is the authority of the village and supra-village governments.

Checking the quality of the 2024 Podes data involves all enumerators, confirming the entries, paying attention to real phenomena in the field related to the closure and/or moving of basic infrastructure/infrastructure, and considering consistency with other available data sources. It is hoped that the indicators produced from the 2024 Podes will be reliable and accountable indicators.
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