Pringsewu Regency Wholesale Price Survey (SHPB) in 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pringsewu Regency

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Pringsewu Regency Wholesale Price Survey (SHPB) in 2024

Pringsewu Regency Wholesale Price Survey (SHPB) in 2024

April 1, 2024 | BPS Activities

Gadingrejo - BPS Pringsewu Regency is carrying out data collection for the 2024 Wholesale Price Survey (SHPB). SHPB is one of the routine monthly surveys carried out by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). SHPB field enumeration activities are carried out 1-20 each month. The total number of SHPB 2024 Pringsewu Regency samples is 19 samples spread across several sub-districts such as Ambarawa, Pringsewu, Gadingrejo, Banyumas, and Adiluwih with 12 officers collecting data. SHPB data collection was carried out using the enumerator's direct interview method with respondents. The price data covered in the wholesale price survey (SHPB) are prices at the wholesale level which are divided into 5 sectors, namely the agricultural, mining and quarrying, industrial, imported goods and export goods sectors.

SHPB aims to obtain reliable and timely statistical data on wholesale prices, so that inter-time price developments for commodities at the wholesaler (wholesale trader) level can be known. Apart from that, data from SHPB is also used to prepare monthly Wholesale Price Index (IHPB) figures.

IHPB is an index number that describes the magnitude of price changes at the wholesale price level of commodities traded in an area. These commodities are domestic production which are marketed domestically or exported and imported commodities. IHPB is needed as a basis for the government to make policies to maintain commodity price stability by monitoring price developments.

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