Inauguration of the Beautiful Corner and Prospera Application, Innovation Towards One Data Indonesia - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pringsewu Regency

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Inauguration of the Beautiful Corner and Prospera Application, Innovation Towards One Data Indonesia

Inauguration of the Beautiful Corner and Prospera Application, Innovation Towards One Data Indonesia

September 19, 2024 | Other Activities

Pringsewu, September 19, 2024 – The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Pringsewu Regency held the Inauguration of the Statistics Love Corner (Beautiful Corner) and the Village/Sub-district Potential Profile Application (Prospera) in Panutan Village, Pagelaran District. This event was led by the Head of the Lampung Province BPS who was represented by an Associate Expert Statistician, Hardiyanto, SST., SE.

Also present at the event were a number of important officials, including the Head of the Pringsewu Regency Communication and Informatics Service, the Head of the Pringsewu Regency Central Statistics Agency, the Secretary of the Pringsewu Regency Regional Planning and Development Agency, the Secretary of the Pringsewu Regency Village Community Empowerment Service, the Secretary of the Pringsewu Sub-district Head, the Head of Panutan Village, the Head of Fajar Agung Village, Lugusari Village Apparatus, Wonodadi Utara Village Apparatus, the BPS Beautiful Village Team of Pringsewu Regency, Beautiful Village Agents, and the entire community of Panutan Village.

In his remarks, the Head of BPS Pringsewu Regency, Eko Purnomo, SST., M.M., emphasized that this inauguration is part of the duties and functions of BPS in implementing Government Regulation Number 39 of 2019 concerning One Data Indonesia. "The Desa Cinta Statistik (Beautiful Village) Program in Pekon Panutan is our real step to improve statistical literacy at the village level and ensure the use of quality data at all levels of government," said Eko Purnomo.

Pojok Cantik and the Prospera Application are the results of coaching carried out by the BPS Beautiful Village Team of Pringsewu Regency throughout 2024. Pojok Cantik, which is integrated with the Community Reading Park (TBM) in Pekon Panutan, aims to improve statistical literacy and reading culture in the community. Here, various infographics, statistical publications, and books that are relevant to the needs of the village community are available.

Meanwhile, the Prospera Application is designed to support the implementation of One Data Indonesia from the village level. This application presents data covering various aspects of village life, such as population, employment, economy, education, health, and various other supporting data. With this application, it is hoped that valid and up-to-date village data can be easily accessed by the community and local government, while supporting more targeted policy making.

On the same occasion, BPS Pringsewu Regency also handed over Village Statistics Infographics and Village Publications in Figures 2024 to village officials and Beautiful Village Agents from four fostered villages: Panutan (Pagelaran), Lugusari (Pagelaran), Fajar Agung (Pringsewu), and North Wonodadi (Gading Rejo). The Beautiful Village Agents also presented the results of the coaching they had undergone, showing how village statistics can be used for better development planning.

This entire series of events is part of the celebration of National Statistics Day 2024, which has the theme "Quality Statistics for a Golden Indonesia", marking BPS's commitment to continue to encourage reliable data quality for the progress of the nation. (RS)/
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